Christmas Crafts: Pine Cone Christmas Trees

- pine cone (any size)
- paint - green, white, glitter 
- pom poms or anything you want for decorations
- hot glue 
- base for tree to sit on 

Step One: 
Paint pine cone green. We did two coats of paint.

Step Two: 
Paint the ends white to look like snow.

Step Three: 
Paint glitter over the white paint (optional)

Step Four: 
Use hot glue to put the pom poms on the tree, or any other decorations you wish. Size based on the size of the tree. You can use any color you want. And add any decoration you wish to the top of the tree.

Step Five: 
Glue tree to the base. You can use whatever you have available for the base of the tree. We used a slice of wood. Can use a small clay pot or wine cork also. 


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