Invisible Illness Diary #41 - Breakdown - Kate Marie Robbins

June 23, 2020: This week hasn't been an easy one. I guess my boss doesn't want things to go back to the way they were before, which means I'll be stuck doing what I don't want to do. And that is frustrating. I was told when things changed that it was only temporarily. That was what was keeping me going through all this. But now, I don't know anymore. It's hard for me, because I can't just find another job easily. Because I don't drive and have to get a ride to work, it would need to be very specific hours and close proximity to where I'm already working. I just don't know what to do. 

I had a meltdown because of it and how hopeless I've been feeling because of everything. I'm trying, but I just don't see any way out of this impossible situation any time soon. Sunday night I also didn't sleep at all, probably due to stress from everything. I did eventually fall asleep Monday morning around 8 a.m. but I had to call in sick to work. There was just no way I could go to work feeling the way I did after not sleeping at all. I felt bad about it though. Then last night I had a meltdown. 

Everyone who reached out to me was absolutely wonderful and I know I have the best support system. I'm lucky for that. Today has been a bit better. Not great, but better. I'm hoping something changes soon.


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