Life with Depression #35 - Sandy Ashley

12-20-19: This week as far as depression goes wasn't too bad. There was some stuff at work that I'm like are you serious? One is that I pre pay for my lunch at work and someone was complaining about that I guess. Stupid nonsense. Trying to get me in trouble and my friend that works there. So over the stupid bs! Then the other thing is the guy that I have had issues with I guess repo's cars and stuff too and told someone he had some to check on at the apartment complex I live at. Like I just can't seem to get away from this guy. For real. Just annoying. We are hoping to be moving soon though. He can't tow mine cause I'm not behind on my payments. I'm just glad week is over. I'm off now for 2 weeks. Time with my family for sure. I'm so excited!!


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