Buy a Book, Help a Charity

Here at RRSMS we are all about helping others. What better gift to give than a book that benefits a charity! Below you will find a list of all our books, a bit about them and where the money goes! 

"Changing the World, One Story at a Time"

Has music had a positive impact on you? Changed your life? Or even saved you? For us, it has.

In this book, you will find a collection of stories, letters, and poetry about how music has personally changed our lives. Each story is unique, each story is true. Filled with emotion, passion, and love for the bands and songs that have touched our lives.

All proceeds from this book will be donated to Rock the Cause. Rock the Cause is a Minnesota based charity that use the power of music, community, and social media to create a new generation of stewardship for other non-profit causes.

What does kindness mean to you? Would you go out of your way to help another? Or has someone gone out of their way for you? We can change the world with these simple acts of kindness, by simply helping another person in their time of need.

In this book you will find stories to enlighten, inspire, or move you, as you read about the spontaneous and planned acts of kindness bestowed upon others.

All proceeds from this book will be donated to Rock the Cause. Rock the Cause is a Minnesota based charity that uses the power of music, community, and social media to create a new generation of stewardship for other non-profit causes.

Has music had a positive impact on you? Changed your life? Or even saved you? For us, it has.

In this book, you will find a collection of stories, letters, and poetry about how music has personally changed our lives. Each story is unique, each story is true. Filled with emotion, passion, and love for the bands and songs that have touched our lives.

All proceeds from this book will be donated to Rock the Cause. Rock the Cause is a Minnesota based charity that use the power of music, community, and social media to create a new generation of stewardship for other non-profit causes.

Have you been to an awesome concert or just had a really good experience at one? In this anthology you will find stories talking about epic concerts. Stories that changed lives, stories that have opened eyes and hearts to new things, and stories that have taken people on a new journey. Follow these adventures and maybe you too will be inspired to go to a concert in the future and make some of your own memories, have a life changing experience, or maybe just a great time.

All proceeds from this book will be donated to Rock the Cause. Rock the Cause is a Minnesota based charity that use the power of music, community, and social media to create a new generation of stewardship for other non-profit causes.

26% of LGBT youth say their biggest problems are not feeling accepted by their family, trouble at school/bullying, and a fear to be out/open.

Everyone should be accepted for who they are, but sadly that isn't the case, especially within the LGBT community. It is hard to be who you are in this world.

The crew at Rock & Roll Saved My Soul are taking a stand. We want to end the hate and the bullying.

I Am Loved is a collection of stories and poetry that talk about love and acceptance within the LGBT community.

ALL proceeds will be donated to The Trevor Project

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. this equates to more than 10 million women and men per year.

Domestic violence isn’t just about being physically abused. It’s also about the emotional and psychological side, too. Come on a journey with others who have experienced domestic violence and are willing to share their stories, to show everyone else out there that they have a chance.

Fighting Chance is a book of stories and poetry for those who have dealt with domestic violence and are sharing how they stood up to it and have moved on with their life. It wasn’t easy for most of us. And some of us still may struggle with it, but we want to reach out to others who may be going through something similar and let them know you don’t have to put up with it. Find your voice and fight back.

Life in a small town is always the same.

Everyone knows everyone else's business. This is the world that Ivy Martin grew up in. Her life was far from perfect. Bullied mercilessly in high school. All she wanted was to leave the town and all the cruel kids behind and start a new life.

But when she goes to the annual graduation party things take a turn for the worse. One of her only male friends, Landon takes advantage of her, leaving her feeling dirty and used.

College wasn't any different. The kids are just as cruel. Then she meets a man and hopes that her luck had finally changed, but Daven isn't who Ivy thought he was. And before she knows what is happening she's trapped in an abusive relationship with almost no way to escape. Isolated from her friends and family, she has nowhere to turn.

This is one woman's story of the devastating heart break that domestic abuse can bring.

An artist's life is never easy. From the very beginning, they're face with struggles of criticism and self-doubt, making the lifestyle difficult.

But from the ashes, they will rise.

Despite all the negative they face, they use it to their advantage, using it to fuel their artistic side. We use music to escape. So do those who write or play music, creating the sounds we love the most.

A Musician's Tale - Telling their stories.

All proceeds from the anthology will be donated to: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Thy life's a miracle. --King Lear, William Shakespeare

Have you ever experienced something that seemed impossible, but inexplicably became a reality? In each of the stories and poems in this anthology you will dive into a world where the impossible becomes possible by the work of a divine agency, hopefully bringing a tear to your eye and joy in your heart. Miracles are all around us if we open our eyes and truly believe.

Nearly 1 in 2 Americans (133 million) has a chronic condition. 96% of them live with an illness that is invisible.

I don't know when the war started, but I was thrown into it without my consent. It isn't fair, but I have no choice but to fight. But how can I fight back when I don't have any weapons and the enemy is inside me?

People with invisible illnesses are fighting a battle everyday, even if you can't see it. This anthology aims to shed some light on these illnesses and show you the strong warriors that are hiding behind them.

All proceeds will be donated to Rock the Cause.

A 200 page journal, 180 pages for entries, comprised of four page entries for each concert, with 20 pages at the end for autographs. All proceeds benefit Rock the Cause.

Every year seven million companion animals enter animal shelters and are later euthanized. Here at Rock and Roll Saved My Soul, we want to help decrease that number. We believe every pet deserves a second chance. This anthology is a collection of stories about rescue animals, strays, and the animals that have saved us. All proceeds benefit Pet Partners. Together we can save lives and help animals everywhere get a second chance.

More than one out of every five (20.8%) students report being bullied. 60.3 million U.S. workers are affected by workplace bullying. 19% of Americans suffered abusive conduct at work, another 19% have witnessed it, and 63% are aware that workplace bullying happens.

Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what is right. Bullying is around us from the time we enter school and for some it is still there when they become adults. It is time to take a stand and rise above the bullying.

In this anthology you will find a collection of short stories and poetry dealing with this very important topic. Some are true, some are not, but all have a powerful message.

All proceeds from this book will be donated to STOMP Out Bullying.


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