December Volunteer of the Month: Andrea Meyer

1. Summarize who you are in three words.
Devoted wife mother.

2. What is your personal philosophy?
Be the best you can be. Treat absolutely everyone with respect. No one is better than anyone else! 

3. My passion is? 
First and foremost my children. Making the world a better place. 

4. The compliment people give me the most frequently is?
My kindness. 

5. My cure for sadness is? 
My daughters always can make me smile!

6. The last book I read was?
I continually read Bible verses. 

7. My role model is?
Jesus Christ. 

8. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Nap time!

9. What fictional place would you like to visit?

10. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
Colorado. Absolutely beautiful. 

11. Who inspires you to do better?
My daughters. They are my motivation for everything. If I didn't have them; honestly who knows where I would be. 

12. A charity that means a lot to you is?

13. If your life were written about as a song, what would it be called and who would you want to sing it? 
Song Title: Whatever it Takes
Singer: Lauren Daigle 

14. Your spirit animal?

15. What do you want to be remembered for?
Showing and giving so much love to every person I have come in contact with. 


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