Question of the Day #9

Maggy: Anything with a high bpm rate.

Kate: Depends on what I'm hyping up for. If it's a concert, that band.

Sandy: Owl City

Melissa: When I need to get my butt moving, I love listening to high energy music. ATeens, Ian Van Dahl, Lucas Prata, Ace of Base, Spice Girls, 80's, that sort of stuff. It keeps me motivated and moving.

Renee: 80's rock

Twinkle: Rock Music

Sid: Starstruck by Lady Gaga, Hold Onto You by NateWantsToBattle, and "Going Through Changes" by Emineim.

Arminta: Eminem

HeatherI don't listen to anything to hype me up.

Lori: Let's go Crazy by Prince

Radeyah: When I was younger, anything by Avril Lavigne would hype me up but now, while I still love Avril, I also listen to any song really with a positive message. "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield is a great one.

Jen: Ska

Colleen: Hard rock


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