When You Give Your Favorite Singer A Book

This story is more than just giving my favorite singer a book. This was a very special book.

This story begins a long time ago. I was at work and a song came on the radio. The song was “Give Me Something” by Scars on 45. I fell in love instantly. The year was 2011. That was the first time I saw them live, too. It changed my life. I just didn’t know how it would. Only time would tell on that. 

Over the course of the years I saw them a few more times. I got to know them, not just as musicians, but as people. They became friends. I’ve seen a lot of bands over the years, more than I can even begin to count or list. Some of them became friends like that for a time, but this time something was different. Something came alive in me. 

Fast forward to winter of 2014. I had a book idea--an idea that came from one of their songs. That very same song that I had first heard three years ago. One book turned into two and then a series. I now have one book completed, five more plotted out, and two more that I want to write but haven’t yet sorted out details on. 

While my initial book, called For A Lifetime, has yet to get past chapter one, one of the other books in the series spoke to me with such fervor that I completed it in a few short months. The words came pouring out of me. It was my first time writing a romance novel and it was way out of my comfort zone, but I love the story. I had gotten it back from my editor and it was just sitting in my inbox waiting to be perfected and published. 

Shortly after that I got the kick in the butt I needed to get it published. That kick in the butt came in the way of a last minute concert announcement. Scars on 45 was doing an intimate show in their record studio. It was fate. The morning of the announcement I had gotten on Facebook like I normally do and it was the first thing I saw. Without any hesitation I bought tickets, not even thinking about the book. A few days went by and I thought to myself, “It’s such a shame the book isn’t ready yet, because you could give them a copy.” The concert was only three weeks away roughly. I didn’t think I had the time, but somehow I convinced myself that I could pull it off. I could get it edited, perfected, and a copy shipped to me before the concert. And you know what? I pulled it off. The book was in my hands a week before the show. I couldn’t believe it was happening. 

The day of the show was nerve wracking for me. I knew I had to actually work up the courage to give them this book I had poured my heart and soul into. All the typical thoughts went through my head. What if they hate it? What if they think I’m crazy or weird? What if they don’t even read? I thought of everything that could go wrong instead of what could go right. What went right? Everything.

The set they played was amazing. A mix of old and new songs. (They’re working on their third album currently.) It inspired me more. That’s where the two books I have yet to plot out came from. And then it was over and the time for me to hand over the book was drawing near. First it was just the typical (for me and them) hellos. Smiles, big hugs, and a kiss on the cheek (from Danny).  They were so psyched about my tattoo. Aimee made Danny take a picture of it. Nova took one too, after asking if it was real. I take silly pride in knowing there’s a picture of my tattoo on two of their phones. 

And then it was time. My hands were shaking. My heart was racing. I felt like I was going to throw up. (I didn’t. Thank god!) I walked up to Danny and pulled him aside, telling him that I had a present for him. I asked him if he’d remembered me telling him I was an author, he nodded his agreement, so I pulled the book out of my purse and handed it to him. He took it and asked what it was. I went on to explain that it was inspired by one of their songs. By this point Aimee had noticed the exchange and came over, so I explained again. They were both very thrilled about it. There were many thank yous and hugs. I showed them the list of books I was still working on. It was really cool to see them look over it and react to the songs that spoke to me. 

Danny promised he would read it, which really touched me. I showed him the dedication page and the page where I signed it. He read that part right in front of me. And I swear I saw him tearing up. Maybe I was imagining things, but for an instant I thought I saw it. More hugs and thank yous, and another kiss on the cheek. I was over the moon with joy. Just as we were about to leave and Danny was distracted, Aimee picked up the book and said she was going to be taking that book. Looks like those two will be fighting over it. I think that in itself is a compliment. 

Danny and I 

Aimee and I 

The inscription I wrote in the book I gave Danny

The second half of this tale takes us to November 20, 2018. Almost a year ago to the day. Danny and Nova were doing an intimate story teller gig at someone's house. They made it available to the public, so Jen and I got tickets. I knew this was going to be nerve wracking for me because of the first half of this story. Would he remember the book? Had he even read it? So many questions and fears were running through my mind leading up to seeing him. Turns out I had nothing to worry about! 

He did read it and even made mention of it during the set when talking about how difficult it can be to write songs, let alone novels. Then pointed me out to everyone. That was a little embarrassing, let me tell you! But it was that exact moment that he had forgotten nothing. Then I was plauged with fears about what he thought about the book, knowing he had read it. 

After the set was when I really got to talk to him. He loved the book and had everyone he know read it, including his mum. He's impatiently waiting for the next one. He flat out asked when he would be getting the next one. He wrote me a very heartfelt message in my concert journal, that you can read below. As of right now, I haven't seen him again. And I haven't finished the next novel for him, but I'm very close to finishing it. It's my goal to have it done by the end of the year. 

If you would like to read the book, you can purchase a copy on Amazon:

Danny and I 

This is what Danny wrote to me about my books


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