Life with Depression #32 - Sandy Ashley

11-22-19: This week wasn't too bad as far as my depression goes. I got to go home early one night so I got to spend time with my kids and my boyfriend. That was nice. The only bad thing was I had to go back to work for a meeting at 6am. I did make it to that though, so it worked out. Now I have the next week off. Which should be good. Boyfriend has the week off too. Plus, I get all my kids for Thanksgiving! :D I can't wait for that! I did have a weird thing happen at work last night. So just before lunch was over my pinkie, ring and middle finger were all numb on my left hand. Then walking back to where we all stretch. Mt right pinkie and ring finger on my right hand went numb. I went and told the AMT and we went to the guard shack (security/EMT). They checked some stuff but with the fact they aren't a nurse or dr they weren't really sure. Not having any signs was really odd. I will have to go get check out though. I iced my forearms and at the time of icing the numbness went away. However, I did go back to work. I got the feeling back in my fingers a little while later. Then my left elbow started to hurt and then my right elbow. It was just super weird. Thankfully I did make it through the night. My elbows still hurt a little today. Just going to take it easy over the next week. Get checked out and go from there though. Hopefully, it's nothing serious though.


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