The Sounds of Advice #105: Computer Simulation

How do we know that we’re not living in a computer simulation?

Kate: We don't have any definitive proof one way or another. We all want to know why we're here though, and this is one viable option. It's a better alternative than some of the theories out there. I love The Matrix, but I'm not sure I want to be living it.  

Sandy: We don't. We just have to keep doing what we are doing. However, we have brains so we can change how things go as far as what we want to do.

Michaelle: We know we are not living in a computer simulation because humans are not completely predictable and computers haven't been around for a hundred years yet.

Facebook Weighs In:

That’s the leading theory for the origin of the universe. It’s all just a simulation playing out. It also makes sense cuz everything is mathematically computable. It can all be converted and identified through 1’s and 0’s -Shawn S.

We don't. This world has become so technologically driven that people struggle when their electronic devices crash. Personally, I love to "unplug" every now and then. -Brittany W.

Its actually one of the most popular theories about reality -Shenazar G.


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