Colleen's Crafts #1: Spring Flowers

Welcome to Colleen's Craft Corner. Each month we will be tackling an easy to do at home craft that you can learn step by step (pictures included). If you have any suggestions for the column, please let us know! 

Today we will be making bulbs in water. It's pretty much as easy at it sounds. 

The Supply List:
Clear Vase (glass or plastic) size of your choosing
Glass Gems/Stones (at least 14 oz per vase)
Flower/Plant bulbs 

Step One: Pour/dump gems/stones (at least 14 ounces) into the vase. 

Step Two: Stand bulbs (spaced) on top of gems/stones

Step Three: Pour water into vase until the tip of the bulb is covered. If they are floating, you have too much water in the vase.

Step Four: Keep in sunlight specified on the package and keep water level up to where it initially was in step three.  

Stay tuned for updated photos of how the flowers progress! We'd love to see yours if you choose to do the craft! 


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