The Sounds of Advice #110: Measure Life

How should we measure our lives? In years? In moments? In accomplishments? Something else?

Kate: I like to measure mine in moments and love. 

Sandy: Honestly, if you feel you are rocking life then great! If you feel you need to something that will make you feel like you are rocking life do it!! I honestly don't think anything really measures life. It's all in how you see your life. Cause that is the only real life you have control over.




Facebook Weighs In:

525600 minutes -Allison C.

Why not with Happiness? Personally I like to measure my life the way the Egyptians did. They believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they can continue their journey in the afterlife.
The first question was “Did you find joy in your life?”
And the second was “Did you bring joy to others?”

I feel like as long as you’re living peacefully and can find the happy moments then your life is measuring up pretty damn good. At least that’s enough for me. -Shawn S.

Mine is measured before and after cancer. Everything is so different now. How I feel, how I think, how things affect me, how I act. You see everything thing different when you have have survived a tragedy. It's not better or worse. Just different. It's my new normal. -Colleen R.


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