Who can submit an entry for a Rock & Roll Saved My Soul anthology?
Absolutely anyone may put something into one of the book.

How will I know if my submission was accepted?
All submissions that are turned in by the due date will be used in the anthology. We don't turn anyone away.

Is there a page/word limit for the entries?
There is not, unless otherwise specified. It can be as long or as short as it needs to be. We don't feel that we should put limit on that.

What charity is this anthology for?
We are donating all of the proceeds from the books to Rock the Cause. Unless otherwise specified.

Can we submit more than one piece for the book?
Yes! Multiple submissions are accepted, but try to limit it to three.

Does my story have to be about rock & roll for it to be in the music related books?
​No, any type of music related story is acceptable.


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