Fighting Chance: #metoo Writing Prompts

One of the next anthologies that RRSMS will be publishing is the second installment of the Fighting Chance series, called #metoo. If you are unsure what to write about, because it is an extremely hard topic to discuss, below you will find some writing prompts to help you. 

1.       Perform a word association exercise with domestic violence at the center. After you’ve finished the word association, set a timer and freewrite for 10 minutes.

2.       How do you feel about having a month every year devoted to awareness of this issue?

3.       What experience do you have with domestic violence (include emotional and verbal abuse in your answer)? Write about its impact on your decision-making processes, then and now.

4.       Write about a time you experienced domestic violence, either as a victim or perpetrator. If you never experienced this personally, write a scene about the first time you heard about domestic violence happening to someone you know.

5.       How far have we come in the long journey to end domestic violence around the world? Perform some historical research on this subject and write a summary of your findings.

6.       Get on a soapbox: Write a speech about what needs to happen to eliminate domestic violence and what your “listeners” can do today.

7.       Write a letter: If you have ever been or are a victim of domestic violence, write a compassionate letter to yourself (to the past or present you) offering advice and wisdom for the future. If you have never been a victim of domestic violence, but know of someone who has, use your imagination and write a letter from that person’s perspective about why he or she stayed and what it took (or will take) to get out of the situation.

8.       Write what you know about domestic violence.

9.       Write a scene depicting verbal or physical abuse (either from life or imagination). How difficult was it to write that scene? What emotions did writing it bring up?

10.   Write about a character — man or woman — who is a domestic abuse survivor. What is he or she like now? What inspires you about this person?

11.   Write about what autonomy and confidence mean to you.

12.   Write about a society in which no verbal or physical violence exists. What would that society be like?

13.   How are you feeling about everything now? Are there any ways you still feel unsafe or controlled by your partner? What will it take for you to feel totally safe?

14.   What does your support system look like? What kinds of things are you doing to take care of yourself as you’re healing?

15.   What are some things you are looking for in a future partner? What are some things you definitely want to watch out for or will not tolerate?

16.   What do you want your future to look like? What steps will it require to make that vision a reality?

17.   What color represents your pain? Why?

18.   What color represents your healing? Why?

19.   If you could only leave yourself a note on the size of a Post-it, what would you say to your past self who is still in the middle of abuse?

20.   If you could tell your story to only one person and you had just 10 minutes, who would it be and why?

We haven't officially set a due date yet, but are aiming for July 31st. 


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