The Sounds of Advice #104: Chance of Murder

If you knew there was an 80% chance that someone was going to commit murder in their lifetime, but a 20% chance that they would not, would you imprison them before they had the opportunity? What if it were 50-50?

Kate: This can be a tricky situation. Knowing there is a high probability that someone is going to do something can skew your view of them and use that to justify treatment or prejudice. But at the same if you could stop it, you'd want to. Locking them up could contribute to them committing said murder, because it's not something that just happens outside of prison.  From a psychological standpoint, I'd want to help them, if that was possible.. Nature versus nurture kind of thing. Obviously you shouldn't be treated as a criminal if you're not one. 

Sandy: No, however in our courts seems no one cares. People get let go for something they did or people are put in for something they didn't. People will do what they want no matter what.

Michaelle: Not prison, but some type of intervention to help, so that the percentage goes down considerably and hopefully gone altogether.

Facebook Weighs in: 

Personally no, just because your capable of it doesn’t mean you would... innocent until proven guilty -Shannon V.

Innocent until proven guilty. Intervene if it's that obvious -Anita S.


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