RRSMS: The Spotify Playlist

As most of you know, a lot of the RRSMS anthologies revolve around music. And what better way to creatively showcase the anthologies is by putting together playlists of bands and songs featured in our anthologies. That's the way it started anyway. From there we started working on playlists for the other anthologies, using the book's theme as the basis for the playlist. 

Below you will find links to playlists for most of our current anthologies, as well as our upcoming anthology, Rise Above. We are gladly taking song suggestions for all of the non-music themed anthologies, if you have ideas!

RRSMS Volume One
Random Acts of Kindness
I Am Loved
Fighting Chance
Everyday  Miracles
Invisible, Not Imagined
Second Chance
The Concert Experience
A Musician's Tale (includes interviewed bands and their musical influences)
Rise Above

RRSMS Volume Two coming soon! 


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