Life With Depression - Week Two - Sandy Ashley

3-19-19  - I have been having issues with my hands lately. I got them checked and right now I am no longer to work overtime. Which sends me into a spiral of depression. Cause now if I need money, I have to ask the boyfriend just to get to next payday. I hate it. I'm an independent person and asking for help no matter who I am asking is hard and I feel like crap doing it. I feel like I have failed when I have to ask for help.

I'm in a funk too because of things with my boyfriend. I'm at a point where I'm not sure if I stay or go. My biggest issue is I want to leave, but I have no friends or family that can help me which just sends my depression to a whole other level. I just feel like I'm stuck in a never ending circle.

I have decided to go to see someone to get their advice. I mean my friends are great and I love them a lot for being as supportive as they are. They do help me in ways I couldn't think, but I need help. I have dealt with my depression long enough to know when it's time. Tomorrow I will make some phone calls. I already have places I can go.


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