The Book Fairies

The book fairies are something I stumbled upon while researching unique marketing ideas for RRSMS. I had no idea what they were about, but it sounded cool. I did some research, because I wanted to find out what it was all about. This is what I found.

The idea of The Book Fairies is simple. There are people who like to read, and to share the books they’ve read. And guess what – everyone loves a nice surprise! These two things come together with The Book Fairies – giving people a chance to pop a sticker and some ribbon on a book, make it a little surprise gift for someone, and leave it somewhere to be discovered!

The Book Fairies can be anywhere, and could be anyone you know. The Book Fairies are not restricted by countries, transport or anything else. If you want to share books, you can get stickers and be a book fairy. If you are a book lover, keep your eye out for a book hiding near you!

The Book Fairies launched in March 2017, and we are very excited to be sharing books worldwide. We currently have almost 9,000 people sharing books in over 100 countries! We would love you to get involved, too, so why not get started and order your stickers here.

I am blown away by the amount of people who are willing to give up their books for someone else. The excitement we get, and book fairies around the world get, when they find a great hiding spot – and even better, when someone finds one of their books, is hard to beat. 🙂

Do you believe in book fairies?

Info from:

Needless to say, it's something I wanted RRSMS to do. Weather is still crumby here, so we'll be waiting until Spring to do this, when there is less of a chance of the hidden books to get destroyed by the elements. I encourage everyone who loves reading to consider doing this in their area. They have stickers, bookmarks, and other neat things you can include with the book you hide, so more people can get involved and learn about The Book Fairies. 

For more information, please check out their website and get further details!


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