The Sounds of Advice #102: Which is a Scarier Thought

Which is a scarier thought: that the human race is the most advanced form of life in the universe, or that we are mere amoeba compared to other life forms?

Kate: I think they are both equally terrifying propositions, but of the two, I think the more true one is that we are merely amoeba.  And that's scary, because it is our reality. 

Sandy: I feel human race is the most advanced because if they know about this they will try to use it in some weird way that they don't need too causing chaos everywhere and possibly ending human life.

Michaelle: The scarier thought to me is that the human race is the most advanced form of life in the universe. This thought seems very sad to me because we still have so much more to learn and grow in order to be that significant.

Facebook Weighs In:

Human's aren't even the most advanced form of life on this planet - Leanne Z.

I’ll take amoeba for $200 Alex -Dan A.


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