Rise Above: Writing Prompts

Don't know what to write about for our upcoming anthology, Rise Above? We've scoured the internet and come up with some that would make for some interesting stories! Below you will find ten writing prompts to help you if you're drawing a blank. 

1. Imagine that you have decided to become an “anti-bully," a person who says nice things to build people up instead of mean things to beat people down. 

2. Create a story about a bully who decides to change his ways. Determine what it is that made the bully want to change and detail how his life is different after switching “mean" to “serene."

3. One of the reasons that people are mean is in an effort to be more popular. Imagine that popularity was completely different and it was based on how nice kids could be to one another. If that were to happen, who would be the popular kids in your school? If the meanest people were the least popular, who would be the least popular kids?

4. A demon is assigned to follow and terrorize a child, only to find that the child is far more evil than the demon can even comprehend. 

5. They thought I'd forget, but I remembered. Everything.

6. What if verbal abuse left the same scars as physical abuse? 

7. You're a wizard at a regular school. You enchant your locker to be a portal to your own personal pocket dimension. One day, a bully stuffs a kid in a random locker--yours.

8. Deary Bully…

9. A villain in a corrupted city sees something terrible happen to a kid. It changes him and he starts to look out for her, helping her in his own way to get justice and to be her guardian angel lurking in the deep shadows.

10. You are a teenager with the ability to measure how dangerous people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. A normal child would be a 1, while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7. Today you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10.


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