Social Media Spotlight: YouTube

1. What do you think is the best thing about running Song of the Day & RRSMS YouTube Channel?
I think the best thing is getting to be a part of such a great team of people that come together to share such an awesome thing. Also I love sharing song of the day because I get to discover new music and share music that I love too. 

2. Do you have any favorite or special interactions with follower(s)? 
I like sharing the songs of the day with everyone. 

3. What do you think is the biggest challenge in running Song of the Day and RRSMS YouTube channel? 
I think the biggest challenge is making sure to keep the songs of the day diverse enough so there's something for everyone. For the YouTube channel I'm still learning some of the ropes for putting together videos lol. 

4. One goal for the future? 
One goal for the future I have is to make the RRSMS YouTube videos more entertaining and getting more comfortable speaking in front of the camera. 

5. Do you have a message for your followers/future followers? 
Please help spread the word about RRSMS and all of the awesome things involved in it. 

6. Anything you’d like to add? 
Long live RRSMS! Rock on!

Our YouTube Channel is run by Aisling


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