Social Media Spotlight: LinkedIn

1. What do you think is the best thing about running LinkedIn?
Knowing the site and how everything works is probably an obvious one, but outside of that, I would
have to say the best thing is the connections I’m making. I still sometimes blow my own socks off of my feet.

2. Do you have any favorite or special interactions with follower(s)?
I haven’t had any actual conversations with connections yet, but my favorite connections are the ones from the top publishers in the country. You never know where those doors will lead to.

3. What do you think is the biggest challenge in running LinkedIn?
The only real challenge I face with running not only RRSMS LinkedIn, but all of my personal social media, is my pregnancy. This first trimester has been rough, which in turn makes it difficult to get things done. Kate has been an absolute Saint about it, which has helped me tremendously.

4. One goal for the future?
I would personally love to see the RRSMS Anthology Series in Scholastic, the same goal I have for my own writing. The world and humanity can’t go wrong by encouraging philanthropy in children from a young age.

5. Do you have a message for your followers/future followers?
Google Rock & Roll Saved My Soul. Follow us on all social media platforms. You don’t want to miss the future of RRSMS. We’re causing change and we want you to cause change with us.

6. Anything you’d like to add?
You can find me and RRSMS LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting with you!!!

LinkedIn is run by Melissa (MJ Rain)


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