Life With Depression #51 - Sandy Ashley

5-15-20: Last weekend was good had all my kids which was nice. My 15 year old stay the whole week. So I helped him with school work. I reached 25k words on my book I am writing that is way exciting! I'm really proud of myself with that. My migraines have kind of come back after being gone. Not sure what the issue is honestly. I have all my kids again this weekend. Yay! Can't wait! I am supposed to work Tuesday night. We shall see. Some how I feel it will change again. It changed like 3 times just today. First it was I wasn't working then it was all week. Then it was 4 days then it was two days so in splitting it with the other person on the line. Like make up your damn minds. I have a feeling it will change again before next week. Lol we all went for a walk today. Which was nice. Got in my 5k steps for the day. Woot woot. The walking helps my knee as well so trying to do that as well. Now to just lay down for a little while before I have to go get my oldest daughter in about an hour.


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