Life with Depression #50 - Sandy Ashley

5-8-20: So like I mentioned last week. The next would be rough for me. It was. I spent a lot of time alone. I watched a lot of supernatural, I colored. That was pretty much it. I just kinda kept to myself. I'm doing better. I get my older kids this weekend and I'm super excited. I haven't seen them in like a month and a half to two months. We have so much stuff to do. We have things to paint and make. My oldest has Legos to put together. I think it will be a good weekend. I know it won't be anything more special even though it's mother's day weekend, but I'm super happy I get some time with all my kids! :D I miss them so much!! Which I think has been part of my problem too. Freaking coronavirus man. It's a huge pain in my ass. Im still off work next week. As far as I know boyfriend goes back so maybe I can stream something. I miss all my twitch streaming friends. They are pretty awesome. I just want some form of normal again in my life. One day again I will. I'm still trying to fit in writing as well into my normal life. I will get my book done. I want to get my book done. I need to get my book done. I will totally figure this all out. :)


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