Life with Depression #37 - Sandy Ashley

1-3-20: Well this week been stressful. My two youngest been sick. Took them to the Dr and got them looked at. My youngest had ear infections so she got meds. My second youngest has bronchitis. He is also now on meds. After one day on meds they both seem to be doing better though. They both got sick shortly after Xmas but we thought it was just a cold. With holidays and stuff the urgent Care was closed. I'm not sure if I put this in last week's or not. Day after Xmas my youngest cut her head a little and we took her to the Dr and it cost us almost $700 with insurance. We didn't want to have to do that again of we didn't have to since they didn't do anything for her other than give her a stuffed animal which mind you she does love, but damn it was a lot of money. So it's just been a strussful new years in our household. We paid with he co pays and meds about $110 for both kids for urgent care. Which is much better than $700 for looking at her head and then watching her for an hour. Anyway, so not so much depression lately for me. Just stress and a cold.


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