The Sounds of Advice #90: Snooping

When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t? 

Sandy: Almost a year ago in August. When my boyfriend had nothing nice to say about me to someone he hardly talks to. It was a week before my birthday. Makes it hard to trust now sadly. 

Michaelle: It's been awhile. I wasn't actually snooping, but things came up when I opened the browser. I was totally disgusted. Uggghhhh . . . Bleeeeeeeeeh . . 

Sid: I don't really snoop but I have accidentally found people's “personal items”.

Kate: I wasn't exactly snooping per say, but I had been talking to this guy and I went to find him on Facebook so I could add him and found out he was engaged. I confronted him about it and he claimed he was no longer with said person and could no longer get into the account. Me being the not so trusting person that I was then contacted the girl and found out he was lying about that too. Needless to say I stopped talking to him after that.  

Facebook Weighs in:

Considering I live alone ... that could be really problematic. -Andrew K.

I snooped in my 14 year old room. 😲 About 3 weeks ago. I highly do not recommend this.
-Mickie K.

Dec 2016 on my husband’s phone -Jenn W.


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