The Sounds of Advice #85: Cure for the Hiccups

What’s your cure for hiccups?

Sandy: Just try to ignore them and then they will go away.

Michaelle: I drink a bunch of water to push down the air. So, basically, guzzle a glass of water and voila, hiccups, bye, bye, bye

Sid: I just wait for them to go away, no cures have ever really worked for me.

Kate: Water, lots of water! 

Facebook Weighs in:

I hold my breath. -Gina D.

Wait it out in pain. Or eat a large spoon of plain sugar. -Katy R.

Try peppa pigs cure lol (see video) -Colleen R.

Eat a big ass spoon of peanut butter -Kris M.

Drink water -Carol C.

I drink water from the opposite side of the glass upside down. Works EVERY SINGLE TIME LOL
-Katie C.

1TSP of mustard or 1 TSP of sugar -Sara C.

Hold your breath and swallow at the same time -Jenn W.

Sit down straight and drink 1-3 glasses of water slowly.

If hiccups still persists do some breathing excercises [take deep breathe in - slowly...deep breathe out - slowly] - repeat 1-3 minutes  -Twinkle V.


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