The Sounds of Advice #84: I Told You So...

When was the last time you got to tell someone “I told you so.”?

Sandy: I can't recall one for a while. I'm sure it was to one of my kids though. lol

Michaelle: Definitely to my children 

Sid: When I told a former friend "This is a bad choice, don't make it, but you'll probably do you anyways then find a way to blame me" and that made the choice and immediately blamed me for "letting" them do it.

Kate: The context of mine is going to be so different from everyone else's. I always give out book, television show, and movie recommendations. And I always say "I told you you'd enjoy it." That counts, right? lol 

Facebook Weighs in:

Today... Lily did something and I blurted out "I told you that would happen didn't I" -Sara C.

I say it to my daughter all the time. -Leanne Z.

I'm in a relationship so... -Katy R.

I don't remember when, but it was to my husband. -Colleen R.


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