Life With Depression #16 - Sandy Ashley


Last night my boyfriend and I had to talk because of some messages he had from a fake profile on FB. Saying crazy stupid shit about me sleeping with a friend at work. Like the shit that was said just sounds so crazy. We don't have solid evidence of who it was but I'm pretty sure of at least 2 people in on it. Thankfully though my boyfriend didn't believe it after we had talked about it. I did wonder how work was going to go though.


So after work I was pretty sure it was the person from last year who threatened me because he was on his phone at times my boyfriend got more messages from this person. Work because of this was very stressful. Even though nothing is going on with this guy at work other then we are friends, I just want the harassment to stop. Like get over it already. You still mad at me for saying you weren't doing your job. Get over your shit, seriously.


After work I went to talk to my bosses boss and then after talking to him. I was going to talk to HR. However they went into a meeting and had to talk to them later on phone. I explained it to them all on the phone and sent them the messages he has got. She said it didn't sound like anything they could do, but would look over the messages the next day and let me know. So another day was going by and knowing it won't stop. Cause I heard he has got reported to HR. I didn't think it was me cause I had no proof he was sending messages, but one of my machines at work went down and I say down on my packout area. I pulled my phone out cause we were down. Then this guy was telling at me that I can't have my phone and I need to put it away and shit. Like I was the one that turned him into HR. Like what even? Just because you got turned in doesn't mean it was me that did it.


Just before I left work my boss called and just after I answered his call I got a text from HR. So I went to talk to HR. Told them about what happened last night too. She told me there was nothing they could do about the messages and even if I had solid proof of who it was they can't do anything about it. So yeah that was fun. She just told me to not talk about it at work anymore. Don't interact with him. She knows that we can see each other while working, but knows we don't have to talk to each other. So she just said staying away as much as possible. So pretty much what I was told to do last time back in November and hope it all goes away. Sighs we were getting the oil changed in my car and my boyfriend told me he was sending one last message and blocking the profile. He much said that our relationship has been through harder things then someone spreading rumors and that we are just perfect.


Didn't really have any more issues with this after that but still bugs the shit out of me. However, when I got off work at around 5am it was vacation time until I go back on the 7th so I'm going to enjoy it with him and my kids. We have my youngest daughters birthday party tomorrow and a trip to Idaho next week, for the 4th of July. I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of my week off from work!! Take that people who can't stand to see others happy!! I will rise from this too and be better.


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