The Sounds of Advice #77: Do Animals Have A Sixth Sense?

Sandy: Yes! I believe this because my cat way laying on my belly before I knew I was pregnant with my 4th kid.

Sid: I do for sure. Animals know all sorts of things that we don't. My cat knows when my chronic pain is acting up and He lays on my knees. 

Kate: I think so. My cat can always tell when I'm upset or in pain, even when I'm not physically showing signs of it. Sometimes it seems like he can read my mind and knows when I'm thinking about getting up. Usually that's when he decides to cuddle up right on top of me to try to prevent me from moving. 

Facebook weighs in:

Not a sixth sense but their senses are way more developed than ours. -Wendy S.

I saw a parrot that can read its owner mind -Leanne Z.


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