The Sounds of Advice #76: Summers Zoom and Winters Drag

Why, to you, does it feel like summer zooms by and winter drags on forever?

Sandy: Winter we aren't as busy doing fun things all over. Summer we are outside having fun not stuck inside all the time

Aisling: For many summer goes by in the blink of an eye and winter seems never ending.
This in my opinion is because time flies when you're having fun. Yes, there are winter outdoor activities but with the sun setting earlier in the winter & the cold temperatures, there's a lot more that's easier to do in the summer time.

Sid: Because most people find winter unpleasant so it feels like it's taking longer, but people enjoy summer so it feels quicker.

Kate: For me, I think it's because you're cooped up inside more during the winter, so you're more likely to get cabin fever and it makes it seem like seem like time is going much slower. Time seems to go by so much faster when you're busier/more active.

Facebook Weighs in:

I feel the time change is part to blame and the fact that it causes it to get so dark way too early making it seem like all darn doom and gloom -Christie C.

Because we dislike winter so it drags by and we enjoy the warm/hot weather so it goes by fast. 
-Mindy H.


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