The Sounds of Advice #99: Biggest Self-Realization

What was the biggest realization you had about yourself?

Sandy: I can always handle more than I think I can and come out better for it.

Michaelle: Really so many things. Each new decade of life brings many life experiences and new realizations. It's hard to accept how naive and sheltered you are when you're young. Grateful for the understanding and knowledge I now have as well as the things I will continue to learn.

Sid: I'm more important than what others think of me.

Kate: That I am a fighter and a warrior despite all of my mounting health issues and I can still take on the world.

Facebook Weighs in:

I’m stronger than I think even on my worst days -Jenn W.

I’m stronger than what I give myself credit for. -Kathy C.

Probably that I may have been misdiagnosed as having mild intellectual disability and might actually have dyspraxia, dyslexia and dyscalculia. I feel I might need to get it checked out. -Yvonne A. 

That I’m not the person on the outside that I am in, I don’t mean that as in Transexual i mean that as in weight, height, hair. I want to be a director and actor yet I have the body of a fat slob. You don’t make it in the industry I want to be in with the body I have so I need to change and I need to now.
-Shannon V.

That I'm a fiercely independent person and I can take care of myself, but that doesn't mean I don't like being cuddled once in a while lol -Keleigh G.


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