The Sounds of Advice #101: Making the World A Better Place

What do you do to make the world a better place?

Kate: I always am someone you can come to with your problems, whether you just want to vent or advice, I listen. I try to pay it forward. Hugs! I offer hugs to anyone who needs one.

Sandy: I try to pay it forward as much as I can.
I hold open doors.
I have noticed even saying please and thank can really make people happy.

Aisling: I try to do a random act of kindness once a day. 
I pick up garbage when I see it. 
I recycle.
I teach my children to do the same 

Michaelle: Uplifting others by cheering for them in their accolades. 
Complimenting others.
Encouraging others.
Sharing learned info.

Facebook Poll:

I'm always willing to lend a helping hand. -Colleen R.

I do several things:
I don’t litter 
I complimented women 
I’m honest and kind to everyone -Charity L.

I always leave my quarter behind in the cart at Aldi -Leanne Z.


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