The Sounds of Advice #63: Talking to Children about Violence

Sandy: I always tell my kids that violence isn't the answer. It will only make matters worse.

Sit with your child or children and tell them what violence is. Let them know it is wrong and what can happen with it. Bring up big events that were violence related. If need be show them articles on it if need be. Just make sure that they understand what you are telling them. Ask them questions to make sure they understand.

Kate: 1. Encourage your kids to talk about what they see and hear.
2. Limit exposure to violence.
3. Reassure your child.
4. Stand firm.
5. Let your kids know your standards.
6. Offer tools to cope with feelings.
7. Talk about groups.
8. Educate your kids.
9. Control your own behavior.
10. Seek support. 


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