The Sounds of Advice #75: Can True Love Last?

Can love really last a lifetime, in your opinion?

Sandy: Love can certainly last forever as long as both parties have Patience, understanding, forgiveness and most of all both communicate with each other. If both sides dont have this and fight for each other then things will not work. However, it is not impossible to make it last.


Aisling: In my opinion, yes, love can really last a lifetime. Any relationship takes work and commitment, true love will always prevail.

Sid: I think it can. If it's honest and true and an effort is made. 

Kate: Absolutely. Life and love aren't always easy, but if two people love each other, they'll stick through the good and bad times, working things out and taking life as it comes.

Facebook weighs in:

I think it can, but you gotta work at it. -Andrew K.

Absolutely. But true love isn't just a fantasy inside one's head. It's time, effort, energy, commitment, loyalty, living together long enough to know you can coexist together without wanting to kill each other. -Melissa G.

Mother and child, yes. Not sure about a partner though. Hasn't happened to me - Shana C.

It lasts longer than that if you ask me -Jenn W.


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