The Sounds of Advice #73: New Year's Resolutions

New year resolutions: good or bad idea?

Sandy: I think they are good if you can stick to them. Most of us don't though

Sid: It really depends on the type of person you are. If you like setting goals and meeting them, then go for it! If not… maybe skip the new year resolutions.

Kate: I'm not necessarily against improving one's self, but you don't need the whole new year, new you attitude to do it. You can start any day, any time. Setting goals and working towards them are great. I just don't feel that you need to wait for a new year to go for your goals.

Facebook weighs in: 

I think they're a waste of time. I don't think you should wait to make a goal. You can start one on a Tuesday at 7:38 p.m. if you wanted to. If you have to wait for a new year to start a goal, to me it feels like you're just putting it off. -Colleen R.

Most people break them after a few days. You can set a goal any day though, so why wait? -Joseph R.

I find New Years resolutions pointless. Number one no one ever sticks to them and number two why should the start of a new

be the only reason one has for bettering themselves? I think you should constantly be looking to improve - Gina D.


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