Invisible Illness Diary #22 - Still Sick - Kate Marie Robbins

December 26, 2019: I don't have much to talk about this week. I'm still dealing with this awful cold. Two weeks now. I really feel like I can't catch a damn break. I haven't done much of anything that wasn't completely necessary. It's sucked though, because I haven't been able to rest as much as I need to, but life must go on. If I'm not feeling better by the weekend, I'm definitely going in to see a doctor. 

It's been warmer than usual, so that's been good for my nerve pain. Still not eating gluten. It's getting a lot easier to find options. The only hard thing, especially right now during the holidays, is having to say no to all the delicious food at wok. I want to eat it, but I don't want to make myself any sicker than I already am. A lot of people don't know about it. I do feel bad when they offer things, but it's for my own health. So I know I'm doing the right thing. It's still hard though! 


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