Invisible Illness Diary #20 - Pain and New Restaurants - Kate Marie Robbins

December 10, 2019: Can I just start by saying I hate winter. I always have, but for someone with nerve damage, it's literally the worst. The cold effects my pain level drastically. And it has been extremely cold. So that's not been fun. And along with the cold, comes snow. If my shoes get wet or damp from the snow, which a lot of the time they do, especially at work, that makes my pain worse. No one likes wet shoes and socks to begin with. Maybe I need to start bringing an extra pair of socks to work? Couldn't hurt I guess. 

With the new diet. How long can I call it a new diet?? I'm still not entirely used to being gluten free. There are these pills I can take if I do eat gluten, but they're ridiculously expensive, so I haven't gotten any yet. They would definitely help a lot, because there are just some things you can't work around or find substitutes for. That's frustrating. One day at a time though. I have been making a list of restaurants I can eat at. It's been an experience, because it takes me to places I wouldn't normally try or even think about trying. It's been fun though. 


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