Invisible Illness Diary #13 - No Answers - Kate Marie Robbins

Today I don't even have the energy to hand write something and take a picture. Needless to say I'm still feeling awful and my doctor appointment yesterday was less than helpful. So I'm frustrated on top of that. They did blood tests and an x-ray, but nothing came of it. They couldn't find anything, so obviously that means there's nothing wrong, despite the fact that I feel no better than I did two weeks ago when I made the appointment. Long story short, the doctor said I need to drink more water and I'm fatigued because I don't eat enough. Neither are true. I don't really drink anything but water and lately I've even been doing Powerade and Gatorade to help with the feeling of dehydration. And while food isn't really a fun time right now, I still eat. I haven't been losing any weight, so clearly I eat enough. A second opinion is necessary at this point. So I'm going to try to set up an appointment at a different clinic. So we'll see how that goes. 


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