The Sounds of Advice #106: For the Sake of Kindness

If you do a good deed in order to feel good about it, is it kindness or business? Does it matter either way?

Kate: Both? I think if you do it for the wrong reasons, it does lose some of the meaning behind it, but to the person on the receiving end, it might mean the world to them. One should never do good things out of reasons that aren't pure. 

Sandy: I do it because I want to. I don't ever feel I have to or that it is anyway business related. I care a lot about others and so I always try to be nice to others because we really don't know what is going on behind closed doors. So to speak.


Facebook Weighs in:

Doesn’t matter but I do then mostly out of kindness -Jenn W.

A person should just always try to be kind. It shouldn't be bout business or making yourself feel better. Be kind because it's the right thing to do. Making someone else's day. And if it makes you feel good bout yourself, then it's a blessing -Colleen R.


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