Life with Depression #20 - Sandy Ashley

8-9-19: So the week wasn't too bad. I been going home from work all week anywhere from 2-4 pitches after I started. A pitch is 24 mins long. So about an hour to 2 hours into the shift I would leave. Well, so not last night but the night before. I wasn't unhappy I was there all night. It was nice to have some hours.What I was upset about it that the two people that I and a co-worker covered. I'm pretty sure it was planned. In the end because of the line. My hand hurts from it. So that's not cool. It will heal though. Then yesterday before work. I was in a horrible mood. I was grumpy when i got up too cause I didn't sleep hardly at all. Boyfriend wasnt very supportive in that. I forgot about a class too so I was mad at myself for that. It poured rain on me when I had to get kids in car. Dropped my phone on ground and just in pouring rain. It was under water that was also falling off the roof. Other than that the week was good. I will take the last 3 classes of the classes I need to in September. Already set up reminders.


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