The Sounds of Advice #64: Charity Spotlight

Empowering lives through HOPE.

HOPE Coalition is here for the really tough stuff, serving the abused and disadvantaged–victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and homelessness.
Simply put, we restore hope. We rebuild lives.

As the only agency in two rural counties providing domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault programming and services, there is, sadly, no shortage of people in need of our assistance. Currently, we serve over 1,700 people each year in Goodhue and Wabasha Counties, MN, and in Western Pierce County, WI. Additionally, the Haven of Hope, our domestic violence shelter, accepts women and their children from anywhere in Minnesota, and occasionally from out-of-state if needed for safety reasons.

There help to find home for dogs, cats and other animals so that they don't have to be put down like a lot of shelters do. I know this is huge with me because I know that all animals can found a place, it's just harder if say their family can't make it into the shelter in time. I love animals and all animals should have a chance for a forever home! We need to speak for the animals because we can't understand their barks or meows Etc. Pack N Pounce gives this chance to animals!


Operation Christmas Child is a year round project that brings people together to fill shoe boxes with toys and hygiene products for children ages 2-14 that are in need worldwide. Groups and churches gather these shoe boxes the third week in November to be sent to distribution centers around the U.S. The shoe boxes are then distributed all over the world. You can even donate to find out where your particular shoe box ends up! It is a great way to teach children about giving. Please check them out at for more in depth information.


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