COVER REVEAL: Everyday Miracles

Title: Everyday Miracles
Publisher: Rock & Roll Saved My Soul
Genre: Miracles 
Release Date: July 2017 

Thy life's a miracle.  --King Lear, William Shakespeare 

Have you ever experienced something that seemed impossible, but inexplicably became a reality? In each of the stories and poems in this anthology you will dive into a world where the impossible becomes possible by the work of a divine agency, hopefully bringing a tear to your eye and joy in your heart. Miracles are all around us if we open our eyes and truly believe. 

Author List:
Andrea Stenlund
Munia Khan
Kate Marie Robbins
Brittany Whitmire
Heather Kirchhoff
Sandy Ashley
Esther Rohm
Carol Cassada
Michaelle Madrid
Jasmine McGhee
Aisling Spofford

Coming soon!!!  All proceeds support CHERUBS.


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