The Sounds of Advice #41: Suicide, Speak Up, Reach Out

Today we are lucky to have two guest columnists with us! 

A message to those considering suicide: 

Aisling: I don't know your name.
I don't know your story.
I don't know your favorite color, or what you find exciting or boring.
I do know that if you need me, I am here.
I don't know your pain.
I don't know your sorrow.
I do know that your loved ones would want you to have every tomorrow.
Suicide won't fix the problem.
It may seem like your only escape. It may seem like you will always be in a dark place.
I can tell you, because I know, years from now you'll look back on this.
As you do you'll smile as you shed a tear or two & you'll realize that you made it.
You are strong, not weak.
You are loved, not alone.
Suicide is not the answer.
I don't know your story and I don't know your name.
I do know that without you, life wouldn't be the same.

Kate: I've been in your shoes before, many times. I know that you're hurting and just want the pain to end. I know that you don't want to suffer anymore. It's hard when you feel like life can't get any better. But I promise you that it does. You are not alone. It may seem like it, but you're not. Life will get better. I can't tell you when, but it will. Hold on and keep fighting, because you are worth it. You were always worth it. If you need someone to talk to please reach out to someone. Even if it's one of us here at RRSMS.

M.W. Leigh: If you're feeling like hurting yourself please know that you are not alone. It might feel like you don't have any other options, it might seem like this is a permanent state of being, but I promise you it's not. You've probably heard this a thousand times but it will get better. Dawn will break and you deserve to be there to see it for yourself. You're a beautiful asset to the universe even if you don't see it. Please keep fighting. Please also know that there is absolutely no shame in this feeling. Please don't be afraid to call a hotline or talk to a professional if you can. There is always someone who can help you. There is absolutely no shame in that. You deserve to want to live, and I hope you get to that point one day, you are beautiful and you are loved.

Michaelle: If someone came to me suicidal, I would let them know know they are safe because they sought help. I know what it is like having made and lived through several attempts. It is not an answer to end the pain, but an alarm to get help and not isolate. I am there for them and ask how I can help. I will help them get further assistance. If they are open, I would pray with them.


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