Question of the Day #6

Maggy: Aimee Lee

Kate: Aimee Driver (Scars on 45)

Sandy: I like the chick from Skillet

Melissa: Enya. All day, every day.

Renee: Lady Gaga

Aisling: Pink

Twinkle: Lorde

Sid: Alanis Morsette

Arminta: Free Dominguez

Heather: Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson.

Lori: Carrie Underwood

Jen: Lennon

Colleen: Adele  

Radeyah: I think Ariana Grande has the best female voice for me. It's totally evident when she sings in the voice of various other singers and it sounds like the original. True talent!!


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