Meet Michaelle Madrid, Event Planner

Tell our readers a little bit about yourself. We want to get to know you better! I am a wife, mother, friend, reader and writer. I live with my family in the dry heat of the Arizona desert. I received a B.A. in Communication with a minor in English from The University of New Mexico and spent ten years working in corporate America. I currently have a few works in progress and am co-writing with a self published author. What’s it been like volunteering for Rock & Roll Saved My Soul? What is your favorite thing about it? I love working with Rock & Roll Saved My Soul! Being admin for our Facebook page is an awesome way to connect with others. Writing for our blog's advice column keeps me writing about current, everyday issues. I am grateful to share helpful and uplifting information. I also share about our charity publishing at author takeovers on Facebook. My favorite part of working with RRSMS is sharing how we are changing the world one story at a time ...